1.) Bad:
yesterday I got my draft back. It is a an ungodly mess. Things I thought were totally squared away and done with are now back, organization must be entirely reworked, life and thesis are now officially a single item. It makes me extraordinarily frustrated. This is my 7th draft, I should be nearly done and now in someways I'm starting over.
It has nearly driven me to tears. This is not my normal level of composure.
2.) thoughtful:
I went to Fetish Ball because Alyssa wanted me too. Then Geoff and Lex and Rachel wanted me to too. I drank very little and found myself entranced and fascinated as well as occasionally bored (fire dancing was not doing it for me). I am such a social psychologist. There was a hottie stripper, with a fantastic attitude. I felt lame for having nothing awesome to wear and spent all this time shaving, moisturizing, etc my legs only to wear thigh highs. Heh. I watched someone get tied up and suspended and it was intriguing, mostly it was the looks on her face that were so interesting. It looked intriguing, but not in front of that many people in my eensy skirt. It was very much art. Sexy art. Co-worker-friend confessed he was into that, was adorably awkward.
3.) Good?
-I've started running dogs for dreaded experiment 2. I love dogs. I like my second experiment. I hope I don't have to stop because of introduction
-Monikins is moving in. I really enjoy having her around a lot. Also Erik is less lonely since she's home more. She's just exactly the sort of person my life in Portland was missing
-Lemming and Viki are not coming to visit in April anymore (which is sad but really good unfortunately).
-WPA in two weekends. My first Convention Psychology Thing
-Kathy got CUS to hire me to do the move to Stata. So I have lots of monies for the summer, like 5,000 worth of summer monies. This is awesome. Well, it's not final, but she did all that for me. Kathy is wonderful.
-I'm finally feeling ready to be done. Unfortunately I've started to act done, it goes less well. But I think I can do it. Not having a choice helps. Whee.
-Passover, I'm doing it/trying to do it. I eat a lot of fruit.
I'm tiiired =(