Feb 15, 2007 23:53
I've proven one thing to myself.
I can do anything.
I used to be a lame programmer. Now I'm one of two lead programmers for a sweet online game.
No details. Not yet. But I've proven a lot to myself. I'm at least two years ahead of my Computer Science class at this dismal technological university. My teacher gave me a hard time the other day because my code was written in C and not C++. My code was faster, more efficient, and the only difference between C and C++ is convention.
No matter. I can program better than she can anyways. If she marks me down, I'll take it up with the Dean of Computer Science. Based on this program, though, I doubt he can program, either.
The security officer just walked by. He says I have to leave the atrium in four minutes. It's late. I didn't even realize.
I better get going.
I'm fucking sweet. I'm going to be something amazing soon. You just watch.
I'll change the face of humanity.