and i can't make it on my own

Aug 09, 2004 21:25

As another season of camp ends, I feel that it is time to make that obligitory "end of camp" entry in all of my online journals. An entry filled with laughs, memories, and nostalgia, summarizing the summer and it's fun and mishaps, smiles and tears, hopes and downfalls. All in all, I'd say this camp season was.. okay. Not nearly as fun as the summers of 2001 and 2002, just about the same as last year but almost better.

The summer of 2001 was my last year as a Sapphire. It was the summer of everyone calling me "goth girl," the summer of torment, the summer of Adam. That year, I made a friendship that was to change my life and last forever. That friendship was with Samantha Steinberg. This girl is possibly one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Loud, outspoken, crazy, hilarious, spontaneous, incredibly smart, and very strong. She motivated me to do things I never would have, or could have, done on my own, and she helped me through some of the hardest times of my life. I remember one day, I think it was during the last week of camp, she and I and some of our other bunkmates were sitting on the steps of pool 1 because we never wanted to get our hair wet. We were just talking, normal conversation, and I remember thinking, "I never want to lose this." It was right then that I realized how much that friendship meant to me. And I never did let it go. Sam and I are close to this very day, even though we've only seen each other once since then. I love her with all of my heart. And I won't let go of that.

The summer of 2002 wasn't better than the one before; it was equally wonderful just in very different ways. It was my first year actually working at the camp as a junior counselor, which I found holds many advantages over being a camper. First of all, the paycheck, while not being very large I'd consider it to be fair because I don't really do anything besides take kids to the nurse when needed and setting up and serving lunch. Second, I don't have to do any activities I don't want to, which was nice especially on hot days. Not many of my friends came back that year, except for Todd, who I hung out with all of the time. My counselor and other JC became close, and I didn't have too much in common with them so I didn't feel badly when I wasn't around all of the time. I often left to go play GaGa with Todd and his friends. His friends Zander, Evan, Matt, Dennis, and Glusman, all of which I became friends with as well. We had so much fun playing gaga together and it basically made the entire summer worthwhile. I became very close with Zander, who I still talk to occasionally, even though we haven't seen each other since despite several attempts to get together. I also developed a special bond with the girls in my bunk. Yes, they were 9 years old at the time. But it didn't matter, I actually became friends with a lot of them, a few who are in my bunk today. They made my summer worthwhile as well. I loved each and every one of them. It was the first summer I ever started crying in camp on the last day because I didn't want to let go.

Last summer, 2003, was decent enough. Zander didn't come back. The rules became more strict so that I couldn't go play gaga whenever I wanted to. I had intermediate camp so many advantages were taken away due to that. The girls I had were more annoying, but sweet still. I wasn't friends with my other JC; in fact, I just didn't like her before that summer, at all. By the end we were on decent terms, but in no way compatible enough to be friends. The best part of summer was becoming close with Michelle. She's an amazing girl; she goes through so much and still manages to come to camp everyday with that beautiful shining smile on her face (even with her braces :P ) I feel comfortable talking to her, and she always has good advice for me since she has gone through a lot of it, being 6 years older than I am. Julie and I also became close last summer; I spent days at her house, just chilling out and eating everything in sight. I miss that. But not last summer. The other thing that made summer was Warped Tour. Last year was my first time, and it was amazing. Best time of summer.

And now for this summer. Well, it's not quite over yet, but I can already say that I will miss it greatly. I'm just coming to realize how great it actually was. While boring at first, it blossomed into a summer of fun and something new. Julie and Jill had a falling out, which was unfortunate and kind of sad to watch, but on the other hand Jill and I became much closer because of it. I feel a lot more comfortable around her and I know that I can be myself and she'll always laugh with me, not at me. And while the whole "BFF AAF NMW OMGZ LYLAS!!!111" thing is all a joke, I will say that she IS one of my best friends at camp, and I hope we can keep that friendship going throughout the school year and not lose touch with each other. I also became closer with Michelle.. god, I love her so much. She's my other best friend at camp. She's amazing. It absolutely breaks my heart to see her sad and I wish that we lived closer to each other so I could see her often over the year but I kind of doubt that will happen. She made summer worthwhile and I will miss her a lot. I also made a new friend, Chris, who is um awesome and unfortunately I only became friends with him in these past 2 or 3 weeks so we haven't had much time but he really is so cool and I hope we hang out sometime soon. The other good part of summer was Warped Tour.. wow. I won't go into details, I'll just say from the amusing carride to the friends I saw to bringing back old memories hanging out with Moose and Thursday's amazing performance it was an overall extremely good time and I already miss it like hell. Now there's only 4 days left of camp and I know I'm going to cry like crazy and it's gonna be bad.

This summer HAS been good. I just didn't notice it until recently. I love camp.. so much. No one understands why I like it so much. But I'll tell you why. It's like my second home, I mean I've been going there every summer since I was 2 years old. I've made incredible friendships that are bound to last a lifetime. I've gone through bad times there, as well as good. I've actually had some of the best times of my life there. Everything about it makes me so happy. I don't care that I have to walk a lot, I don't care that I'm not allowed to leave my bunk whenever I want to anymore, I don't care that I can't bring a CD player with me, or my cell phone, or any of that shit. What matters is that I'm there, having a good time, in summer, being with people I love and have a great time with. SO0O booyah, camp rules, shaddap :P

That entry was wayy too long. My apologies. I don't expect comments. Kudos to anyone who read it all.
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