Particles, energy, Physics and spirituality...

Sep 15, 2008 12:03

i'm not entirely sure how to start this one.
obviously, the LHC media coverage has given me a chance to do a bit of layman physics research and to (in my own head at least) unify my beliefs once and for all.

i apologize if in places this seems to lean a bit towards an Abrahamic P.O.V, but that is more to do with the way i was brought up.

i think a good place to start is some complex physics put simply and see where i go from there:

1) Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed this is the first law of thermodynamics.
when you get down to the sub atomic level, all matter is energy and the way it interacts is quite odd.

there is also a theory that suggests that all particles created at the same time are some how linked through an invisible force, and that if you move one particle on one side of the universe, another on the opposite side will move in the same way. this is basically Newtons third law or To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.

because energy and by extension matter can never really be destroyed, there has always been the same amount of it within the universe.

many cultures and religions around the world have a creation myth, and most have one that involves a conscious effort on the part of a "creator" figure.

my theory is that this "creator" was a being that was alone in the void, a being made of matter and energy.
and this "creator" gave everything, including its very existence in what was then its form to "birth" the universe, all things created at the same moment, all things linked, all things set in motion.

Science calls this moment the big bang.

i have a great belief in the way that science presents things, all theorys are valid until we have a better way to describe them.

this idea also validates the God-spark theory, that all things have an aspect of the "divine" within them, everything has the power to change, grow, adapt and control that which is around it.
and as odd as it sounds, it does.

through ritual or through focus or even through direct means everything has the potential of a "god"

when we die, we just get rewoven into this Eldritch fabric of energy that makes up the universe.
spirits, ghosts and the like are simply imprinted personality's and energy that have either found a niche to watch over (small gods and kami) or are awaiting to be "reused" in the greater scheme of things.

my theory goes further than that though, and makes reference to the phoenix imagery that reoccurs throughout myth and legend.
its all part of the great cycle, the creator dies, then the universe is born, grows and "evolves" into a new creator, who subsequently dies and gives birth to a new universe, ect...

What do you think?

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