Yes, Facebook is evil. Here are few reasons why:
Great video (and site) from 2006 May 2010 Business Insider article 10 Reasons to Delete your FB Profile Wikipedia page of Criticism of Facebook I think
this link best describes the problem with Facebook:
"Why can't privacy and connectedness go hand-in-hand? That's the question being raised by those behind the new Diaspora project, an ambitious undertaking to build an "anti-Facebook" - that is, a private, open source social network that puts you back in control of your personal data."
Click to view
Yeah, Diaspora is still early in development. Yeah it's not ready. But why would you continue to use something owned by an incompetent corporation, who is run by people who are not looking out for your benefit at all? Who are actively using the information you are providing them, to make money hand over fist in any way possible? They own everything you ever submitted to them.
And on the other side, you have this project that will be ready in less then a year. When it's ready, it will be more secure than Facebook. It will owned by no one. You will have control of your personal information, no one else. Your pictures will not be owned by anyone else.
Why do you have a Facebook account again? Because "all your friends are doing it?" My Mom used to warn me about that logic.
Me? I'm patient. I wait for Diaspora. I'll give money to the cause. I'll try out the software and give feedback. But what I won't do is continue to support a corporation that is evil. That has no inclination of "not being evil." And will always look out for it's own interests over mine.