I don't smoke pot. I've tried it and it was interesting, but I'm an adult with responsibilities, a job and children. It's not something I can enjoy and maintain my lifestyle doing. That said, it's current categorization as a
schedule 1 drug is preposterous. Look at that list if you have time. Heroin, Cocaine, GHB (Date Rape Drug), Mescaline, LSD and ... Marijuana? How many of you have used Cocaine, Heroin or Crack? I doubt there are many. But Marijuana? Young men and women are being incarcerated for experimenting with a substance that many many people have tried and use on a regular basis. Our last three presidents and supposedly Carl Sagan a world renowned scientist have used marijuana at some point
Crystal Meth is a harmful drug that ruins lives. Heroin is too. Marijuana is not. We need to start dealing with real problems and real problems that effect our society, rather than hunting people who are generally not hurting anyone using this substance. We need to focus our efforts on real drug problems that ruin lives.
We supposedly live in a free country. If you are a California resident. I encourage you to sign this petition to tell the California Democratic Party to endorse Proposition 19 which will Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis: http://www.couragecampaign.org/page/s/EndorseProp19