Long Day

Jul 19, 2012 23:43

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

I spent so much time on var­i­ous buses today (or wait­ing for them) that I read half of Fifty Shades Darker and all of Fifty Shades Freed, then started the first book of the Iron Druid Chron­i­cles by Kevin Hearne, Hounded. I can’t say how grate­ful I am to have my Nook on days like this.

I’m exhausted, though, and for the first time in a while I feel on the verge of a flare. I just can’t get warm and I don’t feel like I’ve really recov­ered from a hypo­glycemic episode ear­lier this evening, but I don’t want to eat any­thing. Every­thing hurts more than usual and I feel too tired to sleep, if that makes any sense. I can’t begin to count the num­ber of mis­takes I’ve had to cor­rect while typ­ing just this short post. Please for­give me for whichever ones made it past me.

health, reading

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