Academy Caritas: Learning to Code, Part 5

Jul 14, 2012 23:46

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

Y’all are tired of me doing this, aren’t you? Learn­ing to Code, Part 5.

Well, I had some fun away from the com­puter when my old­est nephew vis­ited today. He’s a non-​​stop bun­dle of energy! We got the air hockey table cleared off for a game. Woof!

And I went to the library and checked out actual, phys­i­cal books for the first time in eons, rather than eBooks. That was a trip. I had to learn how to use the self check­out thing all over again. I feel like a lud­dite when that kind of thing hap­pens. I want to shout, “No, I’m not behind the curve, I’m ahead of it!” But the things I needed (tech­ni­cal ref­er­ences) were only avail­able from the library on dead trees, so there you have it. I had to lug home many pounds of paper. Happy I am to be able to check them out, too, as those books are pricey!

fun, family, education, geekery, reading

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