Still working on the site

Jun 24, 2012 20:47

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

First, a ran­dom thought:

But as you can see by the grow­ing list of pages on the right-​​hand side of the site, I’m mak­ing progress. The read­ing, stitch­ing, geek­ery and health parts of the site have been migrated to Word­Press, although not always rewrit­ten and updated. My pro­fes­sional site has been migrated com­pletely now, too. There are still some pages to be migrated here, but they’re com­ing, then I’ll work on get­ting the pat­terns site migrated and maybe even add more pat­terns. Fibrant Liv­ing needs some love, as does Cyber​stalked​.org, but that last one is my low­est priority.

I don’t sup­pose any­one would like to test stitch one of the pat­terns at Heart­song Hand­i­crafts? It would be nice to have stitched model pho­tographs for that site. I haven’t fin­ished the biggest pat­tern that I was test-​​stitching for the site yet.

There are new con­tact forms up on this site and at Cyn​thi​aArmis​tead​.com to offer an alter­na­tive way to reach me for those who might be shy about commenting.

announcement, blogging, geekery

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