On Driving

Jun 19, 2012 23:32

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

First, a ran­dom thought:
“Rev­o­lu­tions are not made; they come. A rev­o­lu­tion is as nat­ural a growth as an oak. It comes out of the past. Its foun­da­tions are laid far back.” Wen­dell Phillips
And now, the actual content:
Plinky asked, “Would you say that you enjoy driving?”

Dri­ving Cars in a Traf­fic Jam

Not really. I’ve never been one of those peo­ple who gets in the car just to go for a drive. I use vehi­cles solely as tools, in order to get from one place to another. I miss them sorely when I don’t have ready access, though.


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