Energy Boost

Jun 07, 2012 21:31

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

First, a ran­dom thought:
“Some peo­ple think hav­ing large breasts makes a woman stu­pid. Actu­ally, it’s quite the oppo­site: a woman hav­ing large breasts makes men stu­pid.” Rita Rud­ner
And now, the actual content:
Plinky asked, “What ener­gizes you?”

Trans­par­ent Role­play­ing Dice

I strug­gle with major depres­sion (actu­ally, treat­ment resis­tant depres­sion), so it’s dif­fi­cult to find much that ener­gizes me. How­ever, really great con­ver­sa­tion with just a few peo­ple does it quite well. The same goes for story games, or a really good table­top role­play­ing ses­sion that focuses on char­ac­ters and plot rather than hack and slash.

Being around too many peo­ple drains me of energy, and I need alone time to recu­per­ate. A nice soak in the bath with nobody else around, time with a good book, or time to enjoy some quiet music are all plea­sures I use to help recover from being drained.

I’m def­i­nitely an intro­vert, as evi­denced by what ener­gizes me and what drains me. I used to be able to fake extro­ver­sion for short peri­ods of time, but I’m not entirely sure that I could do that right now.


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