A New Hobby?

Jun 01, 2012 22:00

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

First, a ran­dom thought:
“Another flaw in the human char­ac­ter is that every­body wants to build and nobody wants to do main­te­nance.” Kurt Von­negut
And now, the actual content:
Plinky asked, “What new hobby would you like to try out?”

Camille Sil­ver­man - warp and weft

I would love to try weav­ing. I mean the great big loom sort of weav­ing, done with hand­made fibers - maybe even with fibers I spun myself. The entire idea of weav­ing has always been so very attrac­tive to me, and I adore all man­ner of fibers. The idea of hav­ing another way to play with col­ors and tex­tures that would lead to big tapes­tries or rugs is so entic­ing that if I knew any­one with a loom they’d prob­a­bly find it impos­si­ble to get rid of me.

Bar­ring a big loom, I’d take even a lap loom, just some­thing to get me going on it. I went to town mak­ing those pothold­ers back in Girl Scouts!

weaving, nablopomo, hobbies, plinky, needlework

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