My Favorite Comedian

Mar 24, 2012 13:07

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

First, a ran­dom thought:

And now, the actual content:
Plinky asked, “Who’s your favorite come­dian? Is there any­one you can’t stand?”

George Car­lin May 12 1937 - June 22 2008

George Car­lin is the King of Come­di­ans as far as I’m con­cerned. He’s always hilar­i­ous. I love watch­ing old clips and read­ing his books. His death was a huge loss to the world and came far too early. It cer­tainly doesn’t hurt that he shared my lack of respect for reli­gion.

I see no rea­son to name come­di­ans I can’t stand and give them atten­tion, but purely phys­i­cal com­edy leaves me cold, as does any­thing that involves pick­ing on mem­bers of the audience.

fun, humor, george carlin, comedians, nablopomo, comedy

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