Meow vs. Arf

Mar 19, 2012 15:45

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there.

First, a ran­dom thought:
“Many of our fears are tis­sue paper thin, and a sin­gle coura­geous step would carry us clear through them.” Bren­dan Fran­cis Behan
And now, the actual content:
Livejournal’s Writer’s Block ques­tion of the day is, “Cats or dogs- which do you pre­fer, and why?”

I don’t pre­fer one over the other. I’ve shared my life with cats and dogs from my ear­li­est years and love both. My par­ents wouldn’t con­sider allow­ing dogs inside the house and weren’t happy about hav­ing cats there, but smaller crit­ters are eas­ier to sneak in, so I got more time to snug­gle with the cats. Recently, I haven’t had a home with a fenced yard, so I haven’t had a dog. It seems unfair to have a dog with­out giv­ing him a place to run around and play off the leash every day. The cats deal with an all-​​indoor envi­ron­ment more eas­ily. But as soon as I’m able to do so, I’ll have a canine com­pan­ion again!

writer's block, critters, nablopomo, cats, dogs

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