OOC Permission post

Jul 22, 2010 22:09


This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character) activity.

Threadhopping: Have at. I love the chaos, and unless the thread is locked, there's no issues here~
Fourthwalling: Sure. If there's a reason they'll know about his canon, have at. (And if you're in TFIC, you know what I think about refering to the 'Royalty Beyond the Royalty. >>)
Offensive subjects: I have none. Very little squicks me, and it's hard to find what does, so I don't think it's an issue.

This is the permissions list for IC (in-character) activity.

Hugging this character:
TFIC: Go for it, you're going to be tolorated.
RC: Go for it, but be prepared to be stabbed, depending on who you are.
Kissing this character:
TFIC: To those who are likely to do so, go for it. *Grins*
RC: Not seeing it coming up, but, meh. *Shrugs* I don't have any issues with it, but Nok might have a few~
Flirting with this character:
TFIC: Touch late to say 'no' to this. Seriously.
RC: *Shrugs* He's probably not likely to realize what they're referring to, nor is the situation likely to crop up, but, eh, go for it.
Relationships with this character:
TFIC: Again, way too late to say no. *Grins*
RC: Again, as above, not likely to crop up, but it might be fun.
Sex with this character:
TFIC: ...yeah, closing the barn door after the horse has run off already, much? >>
RC: Not likely to crop up with him, but sure. I'm open to most anything that can be done ICly, and with this minion, that means most anything you can talk him into.
Fighting with this character:
TFIC: ...Vortex? Thoughts on this? *Grins* (Or Megatron. Or Blurr. Or Inferno. Terrorsaur. Cyclonus. I'm sure there are others.)
RC: Again, Nok's an idiot, fights are going to happen. Have at.
Injuring this character:
TFIC: Might as well give that new CR Chamber of ours a work out! 8D (And, as an example of how obvious this is, have a list of names that have injured him: Vortex, Inferno, IDW!Megatron, Cyclonus...)
RC: As above, except without the 'CR Chamber', or the names. He's a Predacon. It's what he's used to. You frag up, you get backhanded.
Killing this character:
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character:
TFIC: Have at, Soundwave! The repression might mess you up a bit, but, eh. *Shrugs*
RC: It would have to be a technopath, but, hey, he's an open book, internally.

TFIC: Scorponok's fallen in with Megatron, again. He's a loyal fanboy, and he's going to fight against anyone who opposes him. He might not like it, but, he'll do it. However, he does have a backbone, and he's not afraid to use it when he wants something that badly.

RC: He's a minion, through and through. He's gullible, and he's willing to follow whoever's filling that slot for him. As such, he's also incredibly loyal to that leader, and he's going to follow them wherever, and do what they say. It might take a while to actually have him slot you in that position fully, but once he does, he'll treat you like he did Megatron.

tfic, ooc, ruby city

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