I just came home and something smelled funny. So I'm walking around trying to figure out what it is.. I look and find my iron, sitting ON THE CARPET, and turned on to the highest setting. wtf is going on?
No kidding! Sometimes I think my apartment is trying to kill me or keep me out or something! I was laying on the couch one night watching TV, and just fell asleep. I'm suddenly awoken when the wine glass sitting on the table next to me just suddeny EXPLODES into a dozen pieces. It's not even like it fell over and broke or anything, the base was still intact and sitting upright on the table. I was confused and had broken glass all over me, still have no idea what happened. The glass was just sitting there empty, at room temperature. Another time I came home, opened the door and the door pushed back against me and closed. Could have just been a coincidence with the pressure in the house or something but it's never happened again. Yet another instance of my house's great dislike for me.. I was like sorting out dishes one night, I went to do something else for a minute and came back when I heard something fall over. Turned out it was the plate with the silverware fell over, leaving silverware laying all over. So I go to clean up that mess, and as I pass by the toaster, it pops up as if finished making toast, and two steak knives come flying at me! Sure the toaster doesn't create enough force to cause any damage but it was still pretty damn messed up. All of this (except the recent iron incedent) happened within a week of eachother too. Meedless to say I was creeped out for a while.
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