Pain in the leg

Apr 05, 2007 07:07

When I went to bed on Tuesday night, I felt a twinge in my left thigh as I was falling asleep, on the front, about 2/3ds of the way up. When I woke on Wednesday, it seemed I had a muscle knot there. I couldn't walk for most of the day without my cane. Later on towards evening, I discovered that the real pain hit when I was sitting and tried to twist my leg to sit comfortably. It wasn't too bad, really, I just had to keep my leg straight, and I was fine.

Then I tried going to bed. Owwie. I couldn't find any comfortable position to sleep in. For three hours I tossed and turned - very slowly, with a lot of pain - trying to get comfy. Finally I found what seemed like the least painful pose, and fell asleep about 3am.

And woke up in AGONY!

While I was trying to sleep, I noticed a sore spot on the side of my hip. Sore to touch, not to move. That spot is still there, and the muscle pains have spread to encompass about half of my front thigh, with the occassional twinge on my shin. Getting out of bed was an endurance trial, and walking to the bathroom was an exercize in frustration. I could barely put any weight on the leg...But I couldn't take pressure off the leg without a lovely wave of pain rolling through me. Trying to get from the kitchen to the living room with my coffee would have lookedfunny if anyone had been up, and if I hadn't been trying not to groan with every movement.

Yesterday my thigh was fine if I sat, and now it's aching like a bitch, no matter how I position myself.

Bleh....Looks like I have no choice, I have to go find a clinic to get this checked out.
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