Dec 24, 2010 07:28
So we went in for the big ultrasound on Tuesday. Once again, I had to have a full bladder, and there are few things more uncomfortable than having someone press a large piece of plastic into your stomach with a full bladder.
Kidlet was not as active as it has been in the past, but it was still being, according to the tech, squirrelly. Part of me wants to be able to feel Kidlet, and part of me is dreading it, because I have a feeling that it will gleefully kick, punch, and head-butt every internal organ of mine it can reach.
Kidlet's skin is translucent and it has very few muscles at the moment, so it was really easy to see the skeleton. Group Health is kind enough to put a secondary monitor on the wall so the proddee can see what's going on.
There was a fantastic shot of the spinal cord -- you could see each vertebrae, and all of the ribs coming down. It was almost like a picture in an anatomy textbook.
The heart was pumping away, very quickly, and the tech got a really good shot of all four chambers, doing what they're supposed to do. The heart rate is also what it's supposed to be at this age, too.
"Baby's Urinary Tract" just struck me as an amusing way to put it. True, but amusing.
Lots of head shots, and we were assured that everything was where it was supposed to be.
Kidlet still had two arms and two legs, but now we could see the femur and the humerus. They were these big, long, glowing white sticks. Instead of being out of an anatomy book, they were out of a Halloween picture, because you couldn't really see what they were attached to.
I got a call from my OB's office yesterday, and I was assured that I did not have placenta previa, and that all of the vital stats that the tech had collected for Kidlet were, in fact, in the range of normal. So that's all good.
A statement of gender will wait until after the holidays.
life events,