Nov 04, 2008 22:25
I'm going to go to bed now, I swear.
I was so caught up in the election returns and taking phone calls that I didn't realize that it was almost nine until my cell phone went off.
And now I am home, and I still have this giddy, happy, joyous feeling in the bit of my stomach. Mixed in with the little bit of fear and nervousness since I won't know anything about Prop H8 until tomorrow morning.
America changed tonight. Maybe not enough as it looks like a lot of the anti-LGBT initiatives and propositions are going in, but some. Enough that we are now more of a land where all are created equal. In the eyes of the law, in the eyes of the people, in the eyes of history. We can become better. Yes, we can.
Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has created us, sustained us, and allowed us to reach this season.
life events