22nd Fix

Nov 15, 2011 08:40

[Quinn has spent the last few days helping his roommate get back on her feet after some jackass called Black Mage hit her with a lightning spell. He's also spent the last few weeks tucked away in his garage all the time, tinkering around, watching movies or playing music. He's not sure if drowning himself in his possessions is making his ( Read more... )

toys!, needs friends plz, machines will console me, talk nerdy to me, rock out with your cock out

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Action imjustpicky November 15 2011, 14:44:55 UTC
[Picky had overheard the call, and was only clear on two things. This guy had gotten his "games" back, and he was really, really happy about it. Controllers were involved, so it HAD to have been video games, right? Yes?

He was all over this.

So there's picky, over at the house on Brady Lane, edging his way up the driveway and really hoping he's not intruding, but really curious as to what's getting set up...]


techno_mancer November 15 2011, 22:11:53 UTC
[Music pumps from a computer and a set of killer speakers as Quinn sits looking fondly through the collection of games, smiling. Some are being set aside on the couch next to him. He's pretty engrossed in it, so he hasn't noticed his visitor yet.


imjustpicky November 16 2011, 06:27:47 UTC
[Something this awesome is kind of intmidating. Picky is sure that there's a really high chance he'll be shouted at and told to go away because he's too little and not cool enough... but he has to try. So after much effort, he edges his way up to the couch.]

Uh, hey.


You're the guy who called out and said he had games?


techno_mancer November 18 2011, 17:18:46 UTC
[Quinn looks up.] Oh! Ya snuck up on me there, man. Guess I'm busy reminicin'. Yeah, that was me. Interested in playin'?


imjustpicky November 20 2011, 08:28:45 UTC
Yeah! Yeah, I do! What games have you got? Do you have a Super Nintendo? Or... or one of those other ones? ...they're all cool, though! I don't like fighting about which one's the best!

[He's obviously trying really really hard to impress, or look cool.]


techno_mancer November 20 2011, 22:33:24 UTC
Another SNES fan huh? Naw, I'm from a little further ahead than that, so I only got this for now. Don't worry man, games are games, I won't start any nerd arguments on what one's better!


imjustpicky November 22 2011, 14:53:51 UTC
[Picky lights up. Games from even further ahead? Like the future?!

...hopefully not like those ones that touch you, like that guy in the cafeteria said...]

Cool! Really cool! What're games from when you're from like? Are there still Mario games? And, and Street Fighter? And, and... [He takes a breath.] Please let me see?


techno_mancer November 22 2011, 20:40:39 UTC
There are still Mario and Street Fighter! And while I don't have the former, the latter... [He rummages through the pile to find this copy of Street Fighter IV.] Prepare to be blown away.

[He'll hand Picky one of the wireless controllers and pop the game in.] What's your name, kid?


imjustpicky November 23 2011, 02:29:22 UTC
There's a Street Fighter IV?!

[Picky takes the controller, feeling an ever-mounting sense of wonder. The buttons all make sense, but what's with the little wiggly stick? He's wiggling it, testing it out.]

I, I'm... Finch, I'm Finch! What's your name?


techno_mancer November 23 2011, 21:33:14 UTC
Quinn. Always a pleasure to meet more gamers in town. [He extends a hand to shake, but with how big Quinn is, it's probably as big as Picky's head.]


imjustpicky November 26 2011, 20:01:25 UTC
[Picky gamely shakes Crowe's hand anyway, no matter the size.] There's at least one guy that games! We played some Tetris on my Game Boy! A lot of people hadn't even heard of it!

[And then his hands are back on the controller, and his eyes are shifting to the screen. Street. Fighter. FOUR. Oh man. This was gonna be SO. COOL.]


techno_mancer November 27 2011, 00:04:19 UTC
Yeah? Was his name Scott, by chance?

[With his technomancy, Quinn will silently let the Xbox know to take it easy on Picky when it comes to difficulty level at first. He'd feel bad beating the kid when he seems like he's trying to hard to be impressive.]


imjustpicky November 27 2011, 04:17:36 UTC
Nah. It wasn't Scott. I... uh, I don't think I got his name.

[And it is all so cool, so very, very cool, even if the Xbox is being told to take it easy on him. Picky spends a while just... boggling at it all, including the character select screen, but finally settles on Guile.]

Let's go! LET'S DO THIS!


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