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Action - 3 walking_nuke September 15 2011, 16:18:06 UTC
[Balin's doing his usual physical training routine today, jogging through Mayfield's residential streets. He's wearing his AFS PT uniform, but there's another big tear across the stomach where it had been damaged again, this time by Keine. He doesn't look too happy about it.]

[He's also just as heavily armed as he has been ever since the Milkman took over as Chief of Police, with both his shotgun and his sidearm.]

[But as he crosses in front of 339 Brady Lane, the sounds of a movie playing from the garage make him slow down and listen. In fact, judging from the quality of the audio, someone's watching a movie made in-for Balin at least-recent years. Cloverfield didn't come out before the Bane invaded, though, so he doesn't recognize the film for what it is.]

[Nevertheless, it's enough to make Balin approach the garage and poke his head in with curiosity-then look absolutely shocked to see the modern electronics in there.]

Holy shit they were right!

[... yeah. Really shocked.]


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 16:24:24 UTC
[Quinn's garage is a modern oasis in a 50s desert. Besides the 60-inch TV playing a movie from a laptop, there's also an iPad, a small rack of servers, a shelf of DVDs and even a DJ mix table. Quinn looks up at Balin, blinking in confusion.]

Huh? Who was right?


walking_nuke September 15 2011, 16:27:15 UTC
[Pardon while Balin just stares in awe at seeing sum 2010's all up in his 1950's.]

[Then Balin realizes that Quinn's talking to him. And looks a little startled.]

Uh-oh, hey! Sorry, just-holy shit, how did you get all this?!

[Coherent thoughts, what are those?]


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 16:28:30 UTC
[Quinn grins a little.] Stay here long enough, and Mayfield will start moving you in piece by piece. All this stuff's shown up in the mail since I got here.


walking_nuke September 15 2011, 16:32:44 UTC
Really? So, what, eventually'a Postman might send your house if you stay long enough?

[Logical conclusion, of course. Hey Quinn, don't mind if Balin starts poking around in your garage looking at everything you've regained.]

... Okay, you're from some time near me, I get that much. What year was it for you when Mayfield dragged your ass in here?


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 17:00:18 UTC
Ha, wouldn't that be great. I wonder where they'd stick a condo like that.

[He doesn't mind at all. In fact, his mood is turning around, having a visitor from his time.]

Yeah? I'm from 2010. What about you?


walking_nuke September 15 2011, 17:04:24 UTC
[Balin makes a bit of an odd face.]

2014 for me.

[And here's your first clue that something's off about your fellow modern man, Quinn: He picks up the iPad, studying it curiously like he's never seen one before.]

... Apple made a bigger iPhone? When'd'at happen?


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 17:51:44 UTC
'S an iPad. Came out a few months before I got here. Didn't really need it, but I wanted to play around with it. Ya never saw one before?


walking_nuke September 15 2011, 17:56:16 UTC
Huh-no, never seen one. We got somethin' that's kinda similar, but Apple didn't make it.

[He's messing with the iPad a little.]

So this is where we woulda been if'a Bane didn't hit ...


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 19:54:40 UTC
Huh, really? Maybe we ain't from the same place then. Too bad. Hey, I'm Quinn, by the way.

[It's Quinn's, so there's a lot of apps relating to music and movies on there. And if you look hard enough, porn! Mostly as a joke, since he has really no idea what else to do with the thing.]


walking_nuke September 15 2011, 19:59:37 UTC
Yeah. Though'at's good news for you, trust me. Oh, and uh-I'm Balin.

[He tilts his head in the general direction of his house.]

I live over'ere on Goldberg Street.

[Balin looks back over the iPad, immediately checking out the movies and music-more the latter, specifically.]

Aw man, I ain't heard some of these in years!


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 20:49:23 UTC
I'll take your word on that, man.

[Oh ho ho HELLO NEW BEST FRIEND.] Well well, you stumbled into the right garage, my friend! You happen to be in the presence of a DJ. I got thousands 'n' thousands of songs for your listenin' pleasure. On that laptop, 'n' on those servers. Ya name it, and I probably got it.


walking_nuke September 15 2011, 20:55:03 UTC

Dude, I-wow. I don't even know where'a begin.

[Yeah, he's that mystified. Though after a few seconds a song does come to mind.]

Uh-you got "Rooster" by Alice in Chains on'a servers?


techno_mancer September 16 2011, 14:53:53 UTC
Sure do, man. Gimme one sec.

[He grabs his laptop that was currently playing the movie, and simply lays his hand on it. The movie pauses, and in a manner of speaking, the song begins to play through the TV speakers without him so much as touching a key. He gives Balin a grin.]


walking_nuke September 16 2011, 15:20:46 UTC
[Balin's mindset: "FUCK YES."]

Oh my God I never thought I'd stop havin'a hear all them goofy doo-wop tunes!

[Though he does notice how Quinn didn't appear to open any sort of music player program or even look for the file on the servers. Huh.]

-Say, how'd ya do that anyway?


techno_mancer September 16 2011, 16:46:12 UTC
I'm talented, what can I say. [He laughs.] I'm what we call back home a technomancer. I can talk to this stuff, and it listens to me. If ya can believe that.


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