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2 hontobakabaka September 15 2011, 16:13:07 UTC
[Just standing there, looking at her with that blank stare.. First thought is maybe someone should tie a bell around that kid's neck]

Are you all right Quinn? I'd offer to get a doctor here, but most of them seem incompetent or insane.


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 16:21:36 UTC
N-No, I.... I'm good! I'm good... Geez I don't look that bad, do I?


hontobakabaka September 15 2011, 16:22:18 UTC
You look almost as bad as I do when I try and run... Other than the blood.


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 16:30:18 UTC
Blood? Why... blood? That sounds bad.


hontobakabaka September 15 2011, 16:31:52 UTC
Due to the nanomachines in my bloodstream, if I overexert myself, usually through running I start coughing up blood. Its generally not an issue though but its made certain aspects of school require... Work arounds.


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 16:55:22 UTC
Nanomachines.... Ruri, you're ... always fulla surprises. Next you'll tell me... ya shoot lasers from your eyes.


hontobakabaka September 15 2011, 16:58:57 UTC
No, the energy refractors and lenses for that haven't been miniaturized to that level.


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 17:01:00 UTC
[He wheezes out a chuckle.] Of course. 'S only... a matter of time.


hontobakabaka September 15 2011, 17:01:39 UTC
Honestly, that's not really my style anyways. The mental link up to computers is more than enough for any girl.


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 17:02:58 UTC
[He gives her a tired grin.] Yeah... Not really in your personality.

[He stands up a bit straighter now, taking a deep breath. His hand reflexively goes to his pocket - but there's no cigarettes there. He sighs.]


hontobakabaka September 15 2011, 17:03:34 UTC
Is there a reason you're running like that though? Was someone chasing you?


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 17:49:32 UTC
[He laughs again, a bit sardonically.]

No, I'm tryin' to exercise.


hontobakabaka September 15 2011, 18:14:34 UTC
Then just don't drive places. Take it slowly. There is generally no need to rush, it doesn't look like you have a weight problem after all.


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 20:37:26 UTC
Are ya kiddin'? I'm underweight, kiddo, by like... a lot. But maybe you're right. I don't know much 'bout exercisin'. I really wish Cyuss was still around for this kinda thing.


hontobakabaka September 15 2011, 20:44:50 UTC
Why the urge for this then?


techno_mancer September 15 2011, 20:50:39 UTC
Cuz it's about time, that's why. Been sittin' around in this town doin' nothin' for too long.


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