19th Fix

Aug 28, 2011 15:07

OK! Now that this whole terrible milk business was behind them, Quinn Hatch was ready to get back to normal Mayfield routines. Which meant checking on his housemates to make sure everyone was alive and sane again. It also meant he had to make a visit to Cyuss's place, but not before stopping at the bakery for a cake. He had promised to bring ( Read more... )

well this is awkward, cue the dramatic music, hnnng, machines will console me

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ooeeooahah August 28 2011, 19:44:41 UTC
[ Ilsa finds Quinn hugging the fender of the car, and listens long enough to know he's
  1. Drunk beyond his capacity, and
  2. Deep in sorrow, which caused the first condition.
So she's bringing one of the lawn chaises and a glass of water to him in the driveway. ]

Come on, hon. Sit down and have some water.

[ She rolls the lounge chair close enough that he can still maintian contact with the car. ]


techno_mancer August 28 2011, 19:53:17 UTC
Ilsa! Hey. Hey I'm okay. Did you know machines here are droned too? Just like people. It's so sad. I asked her where she was manufactured and she told me right here in good ol' Mayfield. So sad.

Oh you brought chairs. Awesome.


ooeeooahah August 28 2011, 20:05:23 UTC
Is she all right? I'm not missing anything on her maintenance schedule, am I?

[ The question is really something to distract him so she can begin a thread into his emotional centers. He doesn't need help to begin the process of grieving for whatever had started him off, just some guidance to get through the storm. Sitting beside him on the lounge, she pats his shoulder the same way he is patting the fender of her car. ]


techno_mancer August 28 2011, 20:24:14 UTC
Naw, she's great! Perfect. Man, I love these Nash Ramblers. Never thought I'd say that 'bout a station wagon. Must be the fins. Gotta love the fins.


ooeeooahah August 28 2011, 20:28:50 UTC
I kinda like the horn. [ She hands him the glass of water, ] Need to make sure you're maintained, too.

[ She rubs his shoulder, setting in a few more sensors before radiating a very weak thread of "willingness to talk". ]


techno_mancer August 29 2011, 00:03:56 UTC
Oh hey, thanks. [He takes the water from her and sips thoughtfully, turning quiet.]


ooeeooahah August 29 2011, 03:17:17 UTC
[ She waits, letting him rehydrate and keeping in contact with him. Sooner or later, the listening silence might work on him... if he wants to talk to a human. Hopefully he'll talk to both of them. [


techno_mancer August 29 2011, 16:52:00 UTC
[Finishing his drink, he sets it down and gives Ilsa a weak smile.] Thanks. You're a sweet lady, ya know? Ya shouldn't have to bother yourself with someone who decided a few too many beers is ever a good idea.


ooeeooahah August 30 2011, 01:02:41 UTC
You're a fellow mage, and I hope - a friend.

[ She side-hugs him, without awkwardness. ]

You want to talk about why the beer was a good idea at the time?


techno_mancer August 30 2011, 17:05:14 UTC
Ah, you know how it goes. Mind games, dyin' housemates, droned friends... Same ol' same ol'.


ooeeooahah August 31 2011, 02:22:00 UTC
Hon, I don't know if you don't tell me.

[ Ilsa is still hugging him, speaking quietly. ]

We will get out. Until then, what can I do to help?


techno_mancer August 31 2011, 03:59:00 UTC
[Not clear-headed enough for his present company's tastes, he pulls out a cigarette and lights it.]

Ain't much anyone can do, darlin'. Watched my house fall apart while I couldn't help 'em, I'm always bored outta my skull here, and Cyuss is droned. For good. So sometimes, I just gotta distract myself.


ooeeooahah September 1 2011, 00:04:26 UTC
Cyuss? Is he the one you confessed to when we were all on oxygen pentathol?

[ Ilsa makes a small gesture, encouraging a breeze to blow the smoke away from her. He's stressed, no need to add to it. Besides, he might not notice. ]


techno_mancer September 1 2011, 00:28:44 UTC
Yep, the very same. Just my luck, huh? 'S alright. Some people say that ya go home once your permanently droned. Can only hope for his sake, that's true. For everyone's sake, really. Seen a lotta good people come 'n' go here.


ooeeooahah September 1 2011, 01:17:17 UTC
[ She does a fairly cat-like nudge to his shoulder with her head. ]

I'm sorry it happened that way.


techno_mancer September 1 2011, 17:31:38 UTC
[He gives her a tired half-smile.] C'est la vie, I guess.


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