18th Fix

Jul 20, 2011 23:41

[This morning, a very large package arrived on the porch of 339 Brady Lane with Quinn's name on it. He looks at it for a moment, but the wonder doesn't last long - he knows exactly what it is. Gleefully, he skips off into the garage and runs back out with a hammer to pry the huge box apart. Inside is a massive flat screen TV, 60 inches long. ( Read more... )

toys!, machines will console me, neeeeerd, regains ahoy

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(yea) like a boss striped_biceps July 25 2011, 23:55:02 UTC
...So you got a bigger movie watching thing?

Uh, sure, I can stop by.


techno_mancer July 26 2011, 00:09:24 UTC
Way bigger. Five feet long!

Ah, cool. I'll be in the garage, of course. Come on by whenever.

[When Cyuss does, he'll find Quinn sitting on the loveseat he took from the house, currently curled up watching The Thing.]


striped_biceps July 26 2011, 23:19:55 UTC
[At the drive-in or whatever Mayfield has. Whatever. Cyuss comes like promised, feeling a bit awkward about it all. He'll let Quinn do the talking, though.]

So that's it, huh? [A pause.] The screen, I mean. Pretty neat.


techno_mancer July 27 2011, 01:05:04 UTC
[He was pretty absorbed, and didn't hear Cyuss approaching.] Oh! Oh, yeah, ain't it? Like havin' our own movie theater now.


striped_biceps July 27 2011, 01:07:44 UTC
[Stop talking to the television, Quinn. BT]

Yeah, I guess. I haven't even been to the one in the town before, though.


So, what's up?


techno_mancer July 27 2011, 01:20:32 UTC
[Hey this is a really cool movie okay

Quinn sighs a little, and stamps out his cigarette. He'll resist trying to light up another at the moment.]

I'm glad ya came over. I was hopin' ya'd let me apologize. I can't really take back what I said, cuz ya already know it's the truth, but... Well, were it up to me, I wouldn't have come out completely stupid like that. So I'd at least like to say I'm sorry for... embarrassin' us both, I guess.


striped_biceps July 27 2011, 07:30:26 UTC
[Awkward. Tail swish. Cyuss knew this was going to happen, but that doesn't mean it's not a pain in the tail.]

Man, you really go straight for it, don't you? But...it's not a big deal. I said some pretty stupid things, too. Let's just, uh...

[Forget it never happened? He doesn't say that. He scratches the back of his head.]

It's not your fault, man.


techno_mancer July 27 2011, 12:41:32 UTC
[He smiles a little sheepishly.] Had to get it off my chest, man. Been buggin' me since it happened. Sure, the town kinda forced us into sayin' stuff, but that doesn't mean I wish I coulda said it in a completely different place, time and way. So, yeah. Sorry, man.


striped_biceps July 28 2011, 01:52:52 UTC
You didn't have to call me all the way out here for that, man. Everyone was saying stuff like that. Even me, so stop apologizing. I'm not gonna stop talkin' to you or anything for that.


techno_mancer July 28 2011, 19:34:50 UTC
[He scratches the back of his head, and grins now.] Yeah I did. I feel better now, for what it's worth.

Besides, I thought ya might wanna have a beer and watch some guys get eaten by a monster. [He nods towards the TV, where soon, just that will be happening.]


striped_biceps July 29 2011, 03:04:32 UTC
[Even being warned, his tail still bristles at the sight of someone pretending to be eaten on TV. D-damn that thing freaks him out.]

Nah, I don't think so. [He shrugs.] If...that's it, I guess I'll get goin'.


techno_mancer July 29 2011, 03:37:29 UTC
[Oh. He tries to not look disappointed.]

I could always put somethin' else on, if ya want. But otherwise, well, guess so, then.


striped_biceps July 29 2011, 11:35:12 UTC
[Cyuss looks a little disappointed himself. This doesn't feel like a real conversation to him. It makes his stomach hurt a little. He'll make small talk.]

I don't understand why you like that thing so much. Is it pretty popular back where you come from?


techno_mancer July 29 2011, 11:51:50 UTC
[Quinn shrugs a little.] In my time, it'd be a challenge to find an American home without one. Well, maybe ya won't find as many so big. What can I say, it's a hobby.

[However, he gets up, turns it off with the remote, and turns to Cyuss.] I think I'd much rather go get a drink though. Whattaya say? 'S on me.


striped_biceps July 29 2011, 12:50:35 UTC
[Cyuss thinks about it, but ultimately shrugs.] Nah, I don't really feel like walking all that way. [He's never been inside of a car, after all, and on a bad day? They still freak him out.]

Just put something on like that last movie we watched, I guess. [He doesn't really have anything to do, so he'll plop himself down on one of the chairs.]


techno_mancer July 31 2011, 23:15:42 UTC
[Have a nice big smile!] Yeah? Then I think it's Lethal Weapon time.

[He hops up to switch movies, grabs a beer for both of them, then plops back down on the couch.]


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