18th Fix

Jul 20, 2011 23:41

[This morning, a very large package arrived on the porch of 339 Brady Lane with Quinn's name on it. He looks at it for a moment, but the wonder doesn't last long - he knows exactly what it is. Gleefully, he skips off into the garage and runs back out with a hammer to pry the huge box apart. Inside is a massive flat screen TV, 60 inches long. ( Read more... )

toys!, machines will console me, neeeeerd, regains ahoy

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velesdonnersen July 24 2011, 21:08:20 UTC
[Tarvek taps cautiously at the door of the garage. He's got a chair, and a bouquet of foil containers of Jiffy-Pop. He also has only the beginnings of an idea how all this works, or what it means. He's from a very different culture and he's just beginning to catch on to TV and movies. But communing with machines? No problem. He's a techno-mage in his own right, if only beginning to get back his skills.]

Hi? Um -- Ilsa Higa says I have to come on over. She thinks I'll really like this. [He lifts the shimmery Jiffy-Pop cluster.] She told me that the popcorn would be a better gift than the wine I was going to bring. But... I can bring wine, too, if you want.

[His next lines blend mild jealousy with honest, real curiosity and a yen to share a friendship. He adores Ilsa...] So. Ilsa says you're a friend...She really seems to like you...

[Spots TV, finally...]

Whoa. WHOA! That's... it's really... That's BIG!

I asked Ilsa, by the way, but she said to ask you. What's a "Spielberg"?


techno_mancer July 24 2011, 21:16:40 UTC
[Quinn grins ear to ear at the visitor. New friends are good, ones that bring food are even better, and asking "What's a Spielberg" is down right adorable.] Darn right it is. Biggest one I could get my hands on back home. So Ilsa sent ya? Then you're more than welcome here. And why I'd never turn down wine, popcorn is just fine.

[He holds out a hand for a shake. ] Quinn Hatch. Nice to meet ya.


velesdonnersen July 24 2011, 21:26:25 UTC
[Shakes Quinn's hand.]

And it's a pleasure to meet you, too. Next time I will bring wine and popcorn. I'm Tarvek Sturmvoraus. Prince Tarvek, though the title means nothing, here.

[Looks longingly at the TV.] Can you show me how it works, someday? I mean beyond the parts Ilsa and my drone children have already been teaching me, like "Turn on the switch and spin the dial"?

And what is a Spielberg? Ilsa thinks I will like it very much, whatever it is.


techno_mancer July 24 2011, 23:27:59 UTC
Sure can. This works differently than the other ones in town. Got them beat with 60 years of technology.

Stephen Spielberg is.... a guy who makes movies. A director. I have pretty much everythin' he's ever done. What kinda movies ya like? He's done a lot.


velesdonnersen July 24 2011, 23:45:53 UTC
[We shall hope that Quinn or his mun succeed in figuring out that Opera, especially as Tarvek describes it, was The Big SFX Hit of his time. Imagine a certain amount of fanboy frothing mixed into the Europan/Victorian manners ( ... )


techno_mancer July 25 2011, 03:35:03 UTC
[Quinn listens, grinning the whole while.] So an little mix of everythin'. A man after my own heart. I know I've got plenty here ya'd like, man. Get comfy, cuz it's time for an Indiana Jones marathon.


velesdonnersen July 25 2011, 03:45:55 UTC
[Tarvek finds the comfiest chair he can find, and settles into it. He's an odd mix, in terms of body-language: Victorian prim, ninja-supple, and fanboy excited, because, well -- New, Cool Stuff to Watch! (And new friend, which he's trying harder not to obviously push, but Quinn is someone who seems to get machines and stories, and Quinn is nice, and has Ilsa's recommendation...]

Very good. "Indiana?" This is a name, or a place, or... what?


techno_mancer July 25 2011, 20:52:35 UTC
[Quinn starts up the movie, feeding it from the laptop to the TV, then flops onto the love seat he pushed from the living room into the garage.]

In this case? A name. I think you're gonna like this, though, it's kinda got everythin' you're askin' for.


velesdonnersen July 25 2011, 22:17:31 UTC
[Bouncing in chair begins very quickly... Tarvek has good Europan manners, so he doesn't mutter his commentary over each of Indy's choices in South America, but Quinn may figure out he's critting this with great excitement.]

Eeeee! Indiana is a Gentleman Adventurer!

Eeeeee! Snakes! And the flying machine: so wonderful!

[Laughs deeply at the college student with flirtation written on her eyelids, and nods excitedly as the premise of the Lost Ark is set up.]

Oh, yes, Herr Quinn, this is wonderful! Like an adventure from my own world, only... not. But wonderful!

[He hunkers happily with popcorn, images glinting on his (despised) horn rim glasses. (Stupid Mayfield stole his pince-nez, and he still resents it...)]


techno_mancer July 26 2011, 00:03:51 UTC
Like from your world? Man, ya must come from an exciting place.

[Half the fun of showing off movies in Mayfield is how completely foreign they are to a lot of people here. It was more fun to watch *them* watching it than the movie itself. He can't stop grinning at this guy.]


velesdonnersen July 26 2011, 01:31:59 UTC
[Don't think he doesn't notice you watching him, Herr Quinn! He's been trained from birth, and he does know he's being studied. But -- Ilsa likes you. And, honestly, he wants and needs more friends in Mayfield, and in this town he can risk his dignity to make friends...rather than sacrificing it entirely to fool enemies. So the worst he gives you is a small smile and a very campy nose-in-the-air harrumph, saying,]

You should know I am quite serious and intellectual, Herr Quinn! [Grins bigger.] But I also love adventure stories. This one is very good.

[Attention returns to screen, and he scowls.] Verdammt Germana. No better in your world than the Baron in mine. Order and control? Pfah. Conquest and occupation, also. The law of conquest only breeds more trouble, in the end.

Go, Indiana! Again!

Oh! More snakes! LOTS more snakes! Poor minion who had to manage all that lot!


techno_mancer July 26 2011, 16:06:06 UTC
Nothin' says ya can't be smart and enjoy a big dumb movie, too. Entertainment should be just that - entertaining.


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