17th Fix

Jul 15, 2011 08:31

[Thanks to being at stage three, Quinn really messed stuff up with his best friend in town. He's wrestling with a lot of feelings that a chill and in-control guy like him never deals with normally, and still being under the secret-blurting effect, really wants to get this off his chest to someone. The problem is that he doesn't know who to go to ( Read more... )

well this is awkward, hnnng, machines will console me, event: speak up

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D weaponsparked July 16 2011, 07:26:58 UTC
[Night will find a certain Autobot out for... well. A walk. There are fewer drones to stare after dark, and so he can actually stretch his legs.]

[... or he could almost trip over the human lying in the middle of the park.]


techno_mancer July 16 2011, 14:51:01 UTC
[At this point, Quinn was falling asleep - he'd have to be, to have a 25-foot tall robot sneak up on him.]

Wh-whoa, look out--!


weaponsparked July 17 2011, 05:45:10 UTC
[He stops short -- balancing with what seems to be relative ease on one wheel.]

... I see you.


techno_mancer July 17 2011, 14:32:22 UTC
[He breathes a sigh of relief.] Sorry, man. Didn't mean to act like a human speedbump here.


weaponsparked July 18 2011, 04:41:18 UTC
Do you really think I'd step on you?


techno_mancer July 18 2011, 18:18:32 UTC
Not intentionally. Don't worry 'bout it, man. My head's in the clouds, so somehow ya managed to sneak up on me.


weaponsparked July 18 2011, 18:50:46 UTC
... you must really be distracted if you didn't see me coming.


techno_mancer July 18 2011, 19:28:37 UTC
Eyes closed, music on, world off, man. 'Bout the only way to get away from it all in Mayfield, ya know?


weaponsparked July 18 2011, 20:17:01 UTC
I don't know. I can think of a few other ways.


techno_mancer July 18 2011, 20:45:44 UTC
Well, not all of us get to be big intimidatin' robots, but if I could fly off into space or whatever? Right now? I'd so be there. Man, wouldn't that be a great idea? "Screw your crap, Mayfield, and see ya next week!"

[He grins and chuckles, but it's half-hearted.]


weaponsparked July 18 2011, 20:54:07 UTC
I can't fly. I'm ground-based.

[He tilts his head.]

... But yes. If I could, I probably would.


techno_mancer July 18 2011, 21:12:08 UTC
[He flops back down, looking up at the sky.]

Too bad we can't get out that way, right? I wonder what happens if ya just keep soarin' towards space.


weaponsparked July 18 2011, 21:19:16 UTC
Probably the same thing that happens when you try and take the highway out.

... which reminds me, I need to try that sometime.


techno_mancer July 18 2011, 22:38:41 UTC
Oh man, how sweet would that be - see how fast ya can get yourself goin'?


weaponsparked July 19 2011, 04:09:22 UTC
My top speed is around four hundred miles per hour.

[And damn if he doesn't sound proud of that.]


techno_mancer July 19 2011, 21:17:16 UTC
Wow, sweet! Man, ya oughta do that - just keep goin' round 'n' round and see how fast ya can go. Maybe ya can hit that.


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