17th Fix

Jul 15, 2011 08:31

[Thanks to being at stage three, Quinn really messed stuff up with his best friend in town. He's wrestling with a lot of feelings that a chill and in-control guy like him never deals with normally, and still being under the secret-blurting effect, really wants to get this off his chest to someone. The problem is that he doesn't know who to go to ( Read more... )

well this is awkward, hnnng, machines will console me, event: speak up

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A notlikethemovie July 15 2011, 22:26:01 UTC
[It's the noise that lures her out, and she sticks her head out into the garage with an instinctive snuffling. She recoils at the smell of cigarettes, but presses on anyway, padding over to see what the blazes he's doing with all that stuff. Too bad she can still hear better than most people.]

So, girl problems or guy problems?

[Because if there's anything she's had to deal with lots of for her friends back home, it's relationship drama. Mika crosses her arms over her chest and leans her hip against a shelf.


techno_mancer July 15 2011, 22:32:56 UTC
[He was having what sounded like a one-sided conversation with his DJ turntables when he hears Mika come in.]

Oh. Heh. Ya know, it's guy problems this time. I never usually have problems with the guys. [He shakes his head.] This whole truth-spillin' thing made me shove my foot so far down my throat, it's a wonder I'm still standin'.


notlikethemovie July 15 2011, 22:41:43 UTC
Well, everybody has a bad day, and you're not the only one. Hell, I spilled my whole awful sob story on my poor coworker earlier and nearly told her she was from a video game franchise, how horrible would that have been? Still, I think I might've shellshocked her a bit with the rest.


[She waves a hand as if to clear the air.]

This is not about me running my mouth off. So please feel free to stop me if I get started. Let's focus on you for a bit. And you might be surprised, but you wouldn't be the first guy I've had a talk like this with.

Okay, so you totally shot your mouth off, and you can't change that. Everybody's been doing it, so at least you're not alone. So, the key thing to do is to at least stand by what you said. It might not've come out the way you wanted it to, but it's out where the other person can think it over. So, how did it go?


techno_mancer July 15 2011, 22:48:10 UTC
Video game, huh? Wouldn't be the first I've met 'round here. And cartoon. And movie. And comics. Ya get used to that after awhile. But you're right, none of us wanna say this stuff like this, the town is makin' us do it.

I dunno. It was pretty bad. It came out way different than I meant, I think. Except I did mean it or I wouldn't've said it, right?

[He sighs, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes.] Insteada sayin' "I like you, Cyuss, let's go out sometime again" or somethin', I pretty much told him that I really really just wanna sleep with him.


notlikethemovie July 15 2011, 22:56:49 UTC
If I wasn't so busy trying not to break down into another hysterical fit, I'd think this was awesome.

Okay, I can see how that might've gone better, yeah. [She reaches up to scratch where her ears used to be, feeling a phantom itch.]

How'd he take it? If he didn't completely flip out you can still make the offer, you know.


techno_mancer July 15 2011, 23:03:43 UTC
I guess it kinda came out as "Out of all the people in town I wanna sleep with, both guys 'n' girls, you're number one." That ain't a short list, either. [He takes a long drag on his cigarette. Damn Mayfield, why you all so hot.]

He responded by telling me he was still a virgin and then he knocked over a fence. Could have gone better.

... Shit. If you ever meet him, don't tell him I told you that.


notlikethemovie July 15 2011, 23:05:59 UTC
I am so glad I'm not actually married to you, or I might've had to get offended on principle.

[She huffs with a grin.]

Wolf's honor, won't say a thing. Hopefully. Can't make any promises right now. But! He might've just knocked down the fence because he was so flustered he didn't know how else to handle it. Shonen hero types are kind of like that.


techno_mancer July 15 2011, 23:13:32 UTC
What can I say. I'm a rollin' stone. [He smirks a little.]

I dunno if he counts as one of those, technically, but he's got a hell of a temper, and he was a knight, so I guess it's close.


notlikethemovie July 15 2011, 23:21:47 UTC
[She just snorts, shaking her head with a smile.]

Well, aside from punching out the fence, did he really seem mad? I think you should try to talk it out with him instead of running away.


techno_mancer July 15 2011, 23:39:37 UTC
Hard to tell if he was geniunuely mad or just mortified. But I also said the reason I never told him was because I thought he'd punch me or somethin', which I think really did make him mad.


He did say he had thought about the same thing at least. So. 'S a good sign. Maybe. Had I not, ya know, ruined it.


notlikethemovie July 15 2011, 23:42:08 UTC
Maybe he was embarrassed, it looks a lot like mortification, usually is at some points. Hell, I should know.

So did he say he was going to punch you?

[She's arching a heavy eyebrow as she studies him carefully.]


techno_mancer July 16 2011, 01:29:36 UTC
Actually he said he wasn't, but then he punched the fence, and I left in a hurry.

…Man. I am such an idiot.


notlikethemovie July 16 2011, 02:40:07 UTC
Yep, sadly I think at this point I'd have to agree a bit.

So, what's the plan now, ace?


techno_mancer July 16 2011, 04:25:14 UTC
I don't know. Gonna be awkward for a long time. I can try to talk to him about it, but I dunno if he'll let me.


notlikethemovie July 16 2011, 04:27:44 UTC
Take my advice. Won't know until you try, so I'd suggest trying as soon as possible.

But do what you'd like, it's your decision in the end either way.


techno_mancer July 16 2011, 14:46:27 UTC
I'm probably gonna have to wait till this whole ordeal blows over, so we can talk like rational people again.


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