[Phone: filtered from NPCs:]
Hey, guys! Just wanted to let ya'll know that the forge in my yard has been ready to go. It ain't much, but it does the trick. Not too bad for a guy who's never even seen one outside of a Renaissance Fair if I do say so myself! Thing is, I've never built anythin' like swords or whatever before. Computers and electronics are more my thing. So's there anyone out there who does? I collected some scrap metal from cars and such around here to use. Be glad we're in the 50s, when cars were actually still made outta metal. We can start meltin' 'em down and stuff, but I dunno what to make the hilts or whatever out of, or... well, anythin' else about aswords. I hate to say it, but I'm a little stumped on where to go from here.
Quinn's been in a great mood ever since he got the courage to open up his
latest regain. It's one of his favorite guilty pleasures, mostly because through his technomancy, iPads are fun to talk to. He can be found walking around town with it, sitting with it at the diner, or in the high school faculty break room... however, he doesn't even need to touch it to have it do anything. Apps and images zoom by without him needing to move a muscle, thanks to his ability. He looks positively tickled to have this thing back. And he's so absorbed in it, he might not hear you talking to him at first, or he might walk right into you. It's a good thing he's so tall, so you can see him coming...]