6th Fix

Jan 07, 2011 20:52

[Today was a good day for Mr. Quinn Hatch. Not only was his technomancy waiting for him under the tree this morning, but there was a package on the porch for him as well. It contained a totally bitchin' turntable set inside! Quinn is positively giddy with these, and as a result today you'll find him:

A) In the garage, rocking the neighborhood out. He had his music laptop returned to him last time, and he has it hooked up to his turntable. He's gotten some vinyls from the record store too. So you'll be hearing all different kinds of music coming from his house today. He's having an absolute blast in there.

B) In the different stores, and around his house and the town, talking to various appliances and machinery. Yes, talking. Quinn can communicate with them with his powers, and now that he has them back, he has some catching up to do. He's cheerfully chatting up toasters, cars, lampposts, his computer, anything. Yes, he knows how strange this looks, but he also doesn't give a damn.]

squeeee!, phone, action, regains ahoy, let's have fun

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