1st Fix

Oct 17, 2010 10:59

[Well, waking up in a strange bed, in a strange house, with a strange woman was, admittedly, not too rare in Quinn's life. It was waking up in a 1950s style house that was full of portraits including him and 3 smiling strangers that was the odd part. Or the fact that when he goes downstairs to inspect the house that he find his technomancy abilities are... gone? Blocked? Ok Hatch, don't panic. Do not panic.

It's very early, not long after dawn, and there is a very tall man standing in his pajamas and robes in the cold fall morning air, holding a cup of coffee. He's looking around the street, that his last name is on that mailbox, at the old (but new?) car in the driveway. A stranger passes by and bids him "Good morning, Mr. Hatch!" Quinn just blinks at him, but raises his coffee mug in a greeting nonetheless. He inspects the yard calmly, but the expression on his face is confused and worried. He looks a bit like a lost puppy. If you're out early on Brady Lane, feel free to approach him.

A bit later, a call goes out to the town. The receiver is picked up and there's a moment's hesitation, and a short sigh, followed by the dialing of a number. After nothing happens, he speaks up. The voice is a bit scratchy, and has a Southern accent.]

Ah, does this thing even work....? [He flicks the receiver's button a few times.] Um. Operator?

well this is awkward, action, voice, this is not my beautiful loft, but i was sober last night

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