Nov 28, 2005 13:59
last night was an adventure in true form. the kind that russell crowe movies and final fantasy games are modelled after. we 6 self described adventurers decided to explore a cave beneath some cliffs near pacific beach. not only was there a sharp descent requiring dextrous footwork, but in two cases walking was impossible, and we had to rappel down the side of the rock using ropes someone had put in place. when we finally alit on the beach, we were encountered by a mysterious man who had rapidly pursued us down the hill. he started asking us if we had drugs, alcohol, etc., where we were from, how old we were. he had the guise of a friendly old stoner, except that he seemed too strong and his questions too probing, so we didnt tell him anything, since he was probably an undercover cop. the entrance to the cave was washed out, and the sketchy guy disappeared up the way we had come in, but was later seen coming down with other people, confirming our suspicions. rather than get busted for trespassing, we opted to escape down 200 yards of slippery mossy rocks, almost rolling our ankles many times in the process. the last stretch involved jumping up to this neck high rock when the tide was out, since if attempted when the water was high, we'd get pulled in. i was the last to go and only made the jump at the last second, narrowly avoiding a watery grave. actually reese had to pull me up since i had only managed to get one foot holding on the side. then followed sliding along a slippery ledge of rock with the ocean below a drop, also treacherous. when we finally made it back to the lot, we saw the sketch undercover leaving the lot and going to hide up some street.
to celebrate how extreme shit got, i bought a mountain dew.
then we went to the seal beach (as usual), my friend accidently spit on some cholo, mirroring how i accidently elbowed def jux recording artist cage at this performance at a record store yesterday.
the cops showed up right as i pulled out, and i still have no idea what happened to my friends that were still there. the evening ended with me almost getting sideswiped by some ostensibly drunk driver.
needless to say, i managed to escape death and more costly legal battles several times last night, and i pretty much feel alive now.
less than two weeks till my glorious rebirth in the state of colorado in the vein of popular deities tammuz, adonis, and osiris, not to mention others. before then comes a harrowing battery of finals and papers which shall rob me of any social life until a week from tomorrow. c'est la vie, i can deal with some hermitude for a while. i put the 'tude in hermitude after all.
okay, time for work, then studying, then maybe some sleep if i get lucky. i love you dear readers <3