Back in the A-dizzle

Dec 14, 2003 01:42

Well, i got all that crap about my shitty grades out to my parents and resolved early on, so as long as i help out with housework and don't come home too drunk, relations with the family should be cool for the rest of break.

My goal for next semester is to develop a good work ethic; if I want to do well at anything in life, I'm going to have to be disciplined, dedicated, and get my shit done. No one wants to hire a slacker who misses deadlines, does everything at the last minute, and generally just does a really half-ass job of everything. Would you want to go into surgery if you knew that your surgeon had just crammed for all the details of the procedure a few hours before you went under the knife? Time to get my life in order.

But first, winter break, irresponsibility, cheap liquor, yummy NorCal weed, and just kickin it with everyone I've missed so much. Oh, and Christmas. It's good to back.
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