Fuck, why do they make benadryl containers so hard to open? You have to go find a fucking knife to cut through the foil, and that's the last thing I want to do when my concrete-packed sinuses are weeping for chemical relief.
I think I've finally killed my immune system, because it's been five days and I'm still sick. I just want to be whole and sexy in time for my vacation this coming weekend. I can't tell you where I'm going . . . let's just say it's an undisclosed location; I wouldn't want those Al-Qaeda fellows to find me and force me to eat carbohydrates or something.
I only listen to two songs now, and those are "We're Just Friends" and "Pieholden Suite" by Wilco. Both are very sad and leave me with a sedated melancholy feeling all waking and sleeping hours. But my pal Rishi Arora has a new musical project called
Signal Hill, and they have some very good songs which have been spiraling through my head all weekend, and perhaps therein lies my salvation.
I think I've talked about
Achewood here before. It is the greatest comic of all time. But it recently got even greater! because I was reading some old strips today and he dropped in a reference to Chuck Bukowski, the man who convinced me that alcoholism is cool and desirable. Most excellent.
Ok I'm done.