Hello, all.
It's been a long time since I came around, been a long time--but I'm back in town. Briefly, at least--I'm kind of loving my new Dreamwidth home. (Hit me up if you're on DW and didn't know I was!)
But today is not about fandom, or drama, or any of that. This may be one of the most important posts I ever write. You see, I know there are people on my feed who do not care a whole lot about VOTING. If you're one of them, PLEASE DO NOT SCROLL PAST, BECAUSE YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON THIS AND I AM NOT KIDDING.
This fall in the United States, we have a candidate who has pledged to:
--remove the right of a woman to have an abortion, even if the fetus inside her was put there by rape or incest. This is called the "No Exceptions" platform and although its authors claim that it makes exceptions for health of the mother, there is no language in the platform that states this. That means you can be twelve years old, beaten, raped by your father, and if you're pregnant, you're shit out of luck, because that's God's will.
--put a ban in the Constitution on marriage equality. That means if you want to get married and you're gay, you better go to some ex-gay therapy.
--raise taxes on the middle class. Contrary to what he would have you believe, Obama has actually LOWERED taxes--you know the Earned Federal Income Credit? That was Obama's doing.
--lower taxes, again, on the upper class. This is the same thing that put us in that horrifying downward spiral of unemployment and inflation.
--remove all credits for green energy, e.g. "It's petroleum products or nothing."
--go to war with Iran.
He has accepted backing from groups and individuals who have suggested that we should round up all gay people, lock them in Holocaust-style concentration camps, and let them starve to death. No--I'm not kidding.
He approves censorship.
He wants to take away Medicare and Social Security--two systems you are paying into right now, if you're employed--and make them voucher systems, which is only beneficial if you happen to be good at picking stocks.
If none of this is scaring you, it should. Essentially, a nation under Romney would be a fascist nation, and if you're not sure what that means, go read V for Vendetta, or watch the movie.
So if you're still with me--there's still time to stop this. Go
here, and please notice who it is who wants you to register, wants you to vote, instead of putting more restrictions on how and whether you can vote.
Register--it only takes about a minute and a half and this year you can do it online. Then find out where your polling place is. Go. Vote.
Keep Romney from destroying America. Because he's pledged World War III, and this time it would be nuclear.
Let's not go there. Kick this man in the ass. Register. Vote.
If you never do it again . . . . this year, it's vital.