Amusing, indeed

May 01, 2005 18:54

Her'es an AIM convo between me (Switchblade Rex) and Ryan (commanderKokslap69)

SwitchbladeRex: Kaptain Kokkslap
SwitchbladeRex: well hello captain cokcslap, i'm commander clitoris
CaptainKokSlap69: so yer the master of the clit?
CaptainKokSlap69: the clit commander?
SwitchbladeRex: yes!
SwitchbladeRex: and you are the captain of the cock
CaptainKokSlap69: no
CaptainKokSlap69: captain of the kok slap
SwitchbladeRex: right
SwitchbladeRex: lol
CaptainKokSlap69: theres a huge difference between cock and kok
SwitchbladeRex: what the two c's?
CaptainKokSlap69: that and ones longer than the other
SwitchbladeRex: ....
SwitchbladeRex: then the fact that you are commander of the kok seems a tad.. tiny
CaptainKokSlap69: im not commander of the kok
CaptainKokSlap69: im captain of the kokslap
SwitchbladeRex: okay. we'll just leave it at that.

wow. what a freak. ;)
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