what do you think of me?

Apr 17, 2005 16:59

yes i stole this from jons page. It's only 'cause he's still on my friend's list. I'll get him off of it eventually... calm the fuck down.

[1] First name? Sheep (sonia)
[2]Middle name? Bridget (brigett?)
[3]Last name? Lawton
[4]Nicknames? Sheep, Tiger Girl
[5]Gender? female
[6]Birthday? 06/29/89
[7]Age? 15
[8]Sign? cancer
[9]Single? *huggles Tama* nope. ;)
[10]Who is the lucky someone? Tamasamoa Sega!
[11]Have you ever been in love? yes...
[12]Who are your crushes? Tama! Tama! Tama!
[13]Your hair is? dark dark brown and frizzy
[14]Your eyes are? brown
[15]Are you pierced? no
[16]Any former piercings? no
[17]Any wanted piercings? no
[18]Any ink? no
[19]What ink do you want? i dunno
[20]Are you tall? cha! no.
[21]Weight? 107-115 lbs
[22]Do you smoke? no
[23]Do your friends? not to my knowledge
[24]Closest friends? (in order of importance: Emily, Matt, Tama
[25]Best friends? Emily
[26]Online best friends? ... wtf?
[27]Funniest friend? Anthony and Emily
[28]Smartest friend? Probably Tom. He seems smart.
[29]Dumbest friend? Ryan, 'cause he smokes weed.
[30]Most outgoing? Me. No on else attempts to distrub the common peace.
[31]Shyest? Hee hee! Officer Mike!
[32]Favorite quote? "I see Hell's fire at Heaven's Gates; Lucifer, have you come home?" -Sheep!
[33]Favorite number? 7
[34]Favorite food? Lobster or Squid
[35]Least Favorite food? catfish and limba beans
[36]Favorite movie? Land before time
[37]Favorite song? ... dunno. there are so many good ones.
[38]Favorite color? neon green baby!
[39]Time of day? magic hour
[40]Dusk or dawn? dusk
[41]Scent? the garage... don't ask why
[42]Type of music? anything really, as long as the volume control is correct. mosty disney and musical stuff though. no screaming.
[43]Rap or Hip hop? perhaps...
[44]Punk or metal? there's a differance?
[45]Last person kissed? Matt ( i won't lie)
[46]Last hugged? Tama.. wait, no, Matt because he was here yesternight.
[47]Last thing ate? popcorn
[48]Last person talked to on phone? Tama
[49]Would you trust them with your life? yes.
[50]How long was your longest relationship? 5 months.
[51]How long have you been in love? i'm no sure.
[52]Bath and Body or Store stuff? what?
[53]Sports? Badmitton and fetch
[54]Hobbies? friends, writing, video technology, porn
[55]Turn ons? love
[56]Turn offs? extreme obesity.
[57]What are you wearing? camo pants, white sox, blue underwear, offwhite bra, black bike week shirt and green vest.
[58]Do you like to shop? if there's anything good out there to buy.
[59]What shampoo do you use? whatever that one is that's in my bathroom.
[61]Toothpaste? we uses toms of Maine but I like crest.
[62]What lyrics describe your life right now? "How can you see these children and deny that they're senslissly suffering, how many more have to die?!"
[63]Do you look like anyone famous? No, but Seth looks like Will Ferrol
[64]The time is? 5ish
[65]What time did you wake up? 9ish
[66]You are listening to? my mom doing dishes
[67]You are thinkin about? if i'll see Tama today
[68]You will get married? maybe...
[69]Favorite girl names? Saphire, Armageddon
[70]Favorite guy names? Vladimyre, Saturn, Theesentire
[71]Siblings? 1
[72]Name? Betsy
[74]Cell phone? no
[75]Memory..Bad..? Trials and tribulations that happen two blocks away
[76]Memory..Good..? hehe. last night.
[77]Do you like soda? no. ACID!!!!!
[78]What kind..? fuck you.
[79]Are you on a diet? wtf is that supposed to mean?!
[80] WHERE THE FUCK IS THE QUESTION? In your moms ass.
[81] FRANKIE YOUR QUIZ SUX! YEA IT DOES! ... i missed it.
[82]Do you wear jewelry? I wear a bright orange collar
[83]What do you wear? clothing. that's loose. boys clothing.
[84]Ocean or pool? pool...
[85]Favorite school subject? Video Technology
[86]Worst school subject? math
[87]How many sleeping hours do you get? enough
[88]Do you get along with your family? well
[89]What is your striving job outside of school when graduating? something like screenwriting
[90]Do you swear a lot? perhaps...
[91]In front of parents? nah.
[92]Opinion on religion? none for me please, but help yourself.
[93]Since when? since dinosaurs
[94]Opinion on government? we need it, but do we need THIS?
[95]Why? "Because there is a better place, where the sun touched the earth and the flowers bloom and people fall in love and the rivers of blood will never, ever reach it..."
[96]Where is all your time spent? home on the phone with Tama or with Tama
[97]Do you like where you live? yes. but it want to live with tama. not at his house though.
[98]Where do you live? Little mexico. ... mc minn ave.
[99]Where do you want to move to? somewhere with tama
[100]Why? so i can walk places! because i love him
[101]Do people say you are crazy? yes.
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