we're about to get taken to a dreamworld of magic

Dec 25, 2005 21:29

I know all my readers are savvy internetizens and so have already seen the Lazy Sunday short from Saturday Night Live. But JUST IN CASE you haven't, please, go download it from iTunes where it's free, and watch it. It's very important. If you are having trouble /no iTunes, post to comments and I'll get it to you.


(What's SO funny about this for me is that it actually works as an advertisement for the Narnia movie, which I now want to see more than I did before I saw the rap.)

and since this sucks as an "update" I'll give you my Xmas loot rundown.

--queen duvet, duvet cover, and sheets as "main gift" from extended family (we do a name draw, there's ~10 of us). The sheets, eh, they're not my style but hey. The duvet cover is, so that's good. All I need now is a motherfucking BED.
--earrings from mom. They're a'ight, too many colors for me.
--set Wonder Woman coasters, GWB "Rarely is the question asked, Is our children learning?" magnet, and Bush playing cards, the second term edition ("Now even more slanted to the right!") from sister
--tripod and photography books from my stepdad, with heavy input from sister and me (we went to ritz and I picked it out)
--knitting books. While shopping this week my sister asks me "do you like this knitting book?" it was on a sale table. Vogue Easy-Peasy Patterns or some such. I didn't. Then I saw the table and found 3 books on it I did like and handed them to her. Merry Christmas Me! They are: Knitting On and Over the Edge, which seemed like good inspiration and references, and the Stitch&Bitch knitters handbook which is AWESOME.
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