May 15, 2009 16:22
1. Kaku asked me last night if I was 24. When I said no, he started guessing higher. <333 He hit 27 before jumping down to 23, and I finally had to tell him I was 22! Such a refreshing change!
2. I like my yellow knock-off crocs. yes, crocs are kinda ugly, and I know that bright yellow is a little odd and doesn't match any of my clothes. They look out of place when I wear... anything, really. But I love them. They make me feel like I have duck feet.
3. I'm liking my hair cut better. It may not have been what I was envisioning, but it doesn't look bad. Plus, I do kinda like the messy look i can achieve now. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm a huge fan of the around-the-house, comfy, jeans-and-a-favorite-t-shirt, hair-in-an-imperfect-ponytail look. Add some dangly but casual earrings and I feel my best. Weird, I know, but I love it. I'm starting to learn what polished-lisa can look like, but I still love jeans-and-a-t-shirt-lisa best.
4. sitting upstairs to do e-mails and computery stuff. For one thing, I can sit at the table and have better posture. For another, I'm closer to the kitchen: more likely to eat more often.
5. the honey wheat mini bagels I picked up. I normally don't like whole wheat foods (I prefer whole, multi-grain breads instead), and I'm picky when it comes to honey. But they were the only brand without high fructose corn syrup in them, and the choice was plain or honey wheat. I'm surprised that I really like them! The honey doesn't overpower the overall taste, but it covers up the graininess I normally associate with whole wheat foods. With cream cheese... mmm. so good. And they're small enough that they don't fill me up and I can pair them with other foods (like soups), which is not something I did with bread. weird food habits I have.
five things