Aug 31, 2009 15:51
Has been long since I've posted. Not much has changed. My current apartment kicks some total ass by being riht next to mid city mall and having a deck.
Things family wise are tough, big suprise there.
My mother in her infinate clarity/insanity/religion has been off on another tangent lately. The flash flood killed most of teh appaliances in the basement. Has she filled out insurance? FEMA assistance? nooooooooo. The basement was at least six inches deep, knocked the washing machine over (runined) and killed the water heater and furnace. We had Mike down to look at it and he suggested putting fans down there to ventilate the place. Nope, she didn't do that either. But she doused everything with clorox.
Oh, and the cat's with mom. In a house with no ac and she keeps turning off the ceiling fans I leave on. It's not horrid hot but it's stuffy.
Last week I had to pull the car off the road and call her out on language. Apperently the new guy at work dresses "faggity." Yeah. ASked her what made her think that language was acceptable when I wouldn't even let the kids call each other gay. Much less "fag."
Oh, and now that my aparmtnet is right around the cornor from church, she pops up at my door every so often. She's at least taken to going by church and calling first.
Mom rant over.
Dad rant on. Apperently the H1N1 likes young people and tends to kill them. Wants to know what my plans are for the epidemic. Hates 'Bama and wants to know when I'm moving out of the "dangerous" city of louisville. Uh, it's the Highlands. Is a squirrell going to kill me or something?
I blame Fox News.
Oh and he took Grandma casket shoping last week. She has terminal cancer. They're working on her will. My aunt has several credit cards in Grandma's name, Grandma got a letter from Sears saying they declined to extend the line of credit. My Aunt also has life insurance on Grandma to cover teh cards. So she's trying to extend credit and go on a spending spree while Grandma's still here.
My youngest female cousin is pregnant. She's 21, knocked up by a 17 year old. Stat rape? Her younger brother is in rehab for who knows what, he's in HS.
I'm now the only girl on that side not to have a kid out of wedlock. My other cousin just married her baby daddy, who my father calls a Wet Back because of his illegal alien status. Grandma likes him, he can cook.
Man, this sounds a lot worse when I write it out like this.
Work=stress. Which is typical but we're finally feeling the recession hitting us and there's the rumors of lay offs coming. Which would suck because we finally got a good team. We just don't have enough buisness for the fall.
I do believe I need a beer after work. Anyone interseted? Actually, just talking would be nice too, call my cell sometime after 6pm EST. 689-3373.