Apr 20, 2009 00:04
So, I have now been a quarter of a century old for 2 days. Woo! (My birthday's April 18, just fyi.) Got some lovely things! I won't go into the whole list, but I will mention my newfound love for Deadpool (my friend got me the first Cable & Deadpool graphic novel) and the hot, jaw-dropping centaur porn from my sister. ^______________^
Also, we saw Crank 2 as my b-day get-together. Oh. My. God. That movie. . . See, I was a little worried at first, thinking maybe it would be just a stupid action flick. I wanted to see it anyway, but I wanted my friends to be entertained too. I shouldn't have worried. Crank 2 is so beyond over the top that it stretches around and meets itself. Twice. Most definitely worth the $10 admission!
Oooooh, and my birthday present to myself arrived on my b-day as well! Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete blu-ray with the FFXIII demo. Eeeee! I've already played through the demo 2.5 times (I actually died once) and watched the movie. Now, I had to watch it dubbed since this is a Japanese import (no English subtitles, yet they did have the dub track), but it was still awesome. And I swear they rewrote some of the dialogue to have it makes more sense. Also, the added 30 minutes is worth buying it for. Though you may want to wait for the US release. I'll give you more on the demo after I play it through with some others, but I'll tell you now that my faith in the FF franchise has been renewed! I am looking forward to the game with a vengeance!
Well, that's all for now. Just thought I'd update and squee over things. ^_^ Good night, all!