OKAY OKAY... I've been tagged TWICE, I must be a MAJOR dork :"-)
List 5 reasons why you are a dork. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud about how big of a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the same.
Alright Here you go
chemodalius &
I am a dorrk loud and proud because...
(1) ...I've been labled techie princess many times, and I am often reffered to as techie at school rather than my real name.
(2)...I dl bootleg songs and programs all the time, I honestly don't remember the last time I bought a computer program or a song (cd) legitly
(3....I make sure I have a working microphone JUST so I can talk with my canadian.... I will very soon have a webcam as well :-D
(4)...I know computers like the back of my hand so whenever someone has a computer problem, hardware or OS or even other, they call/IM/find me. (I've only been on a computer since I was 2)
(5) My first job as a sound board op professionally, I BS'd ENTIRELY. I had only ran a sound board once or twice before that and it was at like small things, assembilies and such. I had a 3 minute crash course and was said, here you're running the next show and every other show from there,
NOW I tag.....
me_ofresco icemann askmeques dieshaboom elgaladwen HAPPY