
Sep 06, 2010 02:46

Originally this was supposed to go with the 'Friends' prompt. Somehow, family just seemed more appropriate halfway through.

 Nights spent at Mamma's were nights well spent, Oggie reflected, signaling the waitress for another round.

He looked around the room as he waited for his next drink. Every face his eyes fell on brought up a whole host of memories. Battles fought together, laughs shared, tears shed. There was Aloïs, who taught him how to knit. And two tables away was Nikolaus. He went by Nik and hated when you called him Nikki, but he was a good man in a fight. Didn't matter if he was fighting with you or against you.

He smiled as his eyes traveled across the faces, reminiscing to himself.

'Vat's so funny brodder?'

He looked across the table at Maxim, still smiling, 'Hy vas chust tinkink.'
'About vat?'
'Hall de friends Hy hef in here. Hall de fun times. Hall de fights.'
Maxim smiled back at him, 'Oggie, vat ve hef here iz family. Ve's kloser den friends.'
'Hyu gots a goot point, Maxim.'

The waitress walked over with a tray of drinks. Oggie took his and handed the other to Maxim. They sat there for a moment, sharing the same idiot grin.

Oggie raised his glass.

'Here's to family den.'

prompt, girl genius, fanfic, jaeger

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