A little over a month...

Jul 14, 2009 19:47

Well about this time next month I'll be in the final stages of packing and planning for moving from the apartment in Euless to the house in Watauga.    Provided nothing fouls up I'm planning on it being the weekend of the 23rd.  I took the following Tuesday and Wednesday off work so I'll have time for arranging and doing a little unpacking.

Katy and I don't quite have the house ready yet.  We're focusing on just the rooms I'll need to occupy immediately.  We're using grandmas room and Katy's room as swap space for now.  Once I get moved in I should be able to get more done around the house as far as going through stuff.  Most of it will probably just go away.  If I had my choice thats what would happen in general to the house and all the stuff in it... just go away but that isn't an option, thus the move.  I dunno.. in time maybe I'll find I like living there.  We'll see.

For now I think I'll go WoW a bit before work.  Come on, 9am.... heh.  Yeah, happiness is 9am, doubly so if its 9am Saturday.  Happiness is also getting to my friends Saturday nights.  Oh, and Starbucks drinks, both for the yummy and the memories.. hot chocolate is the "study" nights there used to be with the UD folks.  Iced green tea... well, thats a friend I don't get to see very often anymore.
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