My son Tristan

Jan 15, 2007 14:05

It has been over a year since my last post and I am now the mother of a 9 month old and love it! The remainder of my pregnancy went well, although I will have to say that the last month is just plain uncomfortable. There is no way to get a good nights rest because your just plain uncomfortable and at least I had to pee every freakin 10 minutes!

But as they say it was worth it, I gave birth to Tristan on March 25th. After 25 hours of labor my doc finally says, "Let's do a C-section". At that point I would have let them take him out through my nose. My husband Todd and I were in the hospital for 6 days total and when the time came I didn't want to leave. I got use to there always being someone around to not only care for me but for Tristan too and I nearly cried as they were wheeling me out. I am sure it was in part due to the fluctuating hormones, but even that being the case that first week at home was tough.

Since then it has only gotten easier. It did take me a full 6 months to completely heal and feel normal again. Then it was just getting use to being tired all the time and trying to get organized. Once I adjusted to all that, life got a lot easier and things started falling into place.

I work part time now. Only two days in the office and my mom watches Tristan on those days. I will have to say that I love being a mom and really couldn't imagine how much I would love just staring at my little boy before I had him. Todd and I both hope that we can have at least one more, but with how hard it was to just have one and how much effort and money it cost us we are not sure if that will happen again. I am still going to be optimistic about it and try and get my body ready for another pregnancy and if it happens we will be very happy and if it doesn't we will be a family of three.

I will post more pictures of Tristan, here he is as a frog on his first halloween:

and when he had his first meal, as you can tell he was not too thrilled with solid food. he much prefers his bottle and I think it will be a fight to make him give it up when the time comes:

I will try and post more now that I am startign to get my life in order again. Hope everyone is doing well,
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