THought I might post somethig update

Sep 23, 2005 11:23

I know it's been quite a while and a lot has happened since my last post. I am currently 3 1/2 months pregnant. Very unexpected, but after the miscarriage in June I got pregnant right away and without any fertility treatments. We had decided to take a month off from trying and low and behold that was the month we got pregnant.

So on March 24th my husband TOdd and I will be expecting our son Tristan to be born (give or take 2 weeks) and we are extremely happy!! My job has been great allowing me to take time off and work from home. I have been having a very rough time of it with the morning sickness (who ever named it Morning Sickness was obviously mislead, for me it has been 24 hour sickness), headaches, and exhaustion. It feels like I am coming out of it now that I am in my second trimester and feel like I am returning to normal. Good thing too because I am getting really tired of being curled up on the couch for months.

Everything else is good and about the same. We leave for South Carolina next Saturday to visit family for a full 9 days and I can't wait. This visit we will actually start looking for a house. We plan to move sometime next year after Trisitan is born and need to start looking now since we will be bringing my mom with us and need a house with a small guest house in the back.

Well, that's enough of an update for now. I hope everyone is doing fine.
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