Another Day and Many $$$$$

Feb 02, 2005 12:11

The one good thing about my trips to San Antonio are the overtime. I really enjoy my time here, but I hate being away from Todd. I know that sounds lame.....that I can't leave him for even a week......but I do miss him and even though I am not afraid to go out on my own I much prefer knowing that at the end of the day I will come home to him.

It's cold again today (it was 38 degrees when I left for work this morning), but at least the rain has stopped! I just realized that you can probably tell that I work with all guys by the meals that we have. This morning we started out the day with chili cheese tater tots and corn dogs! only after I made them stop at the local Starbucks so I could get my fix!! We will probably eat lunch around 3 or so and it will be big helpings of red meat and then either skip dinner entirely or go out to whatever is open at 11:00 pm. Did I mention that its cold here and I know I know I am a weather wimp!

In other news I made a new LJ icon of one of my wedding pictures this morning, yay! and I'm listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack as I work. I love that soundtrack, the original London cast recording of course! and haven't listened to it in awhile so this is good.
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