Inspired to write...

Apr 17, 2005 22:15

I don't know why, but I just got the urge to write. So here goes...

Me and Casandra are becoming really good friends which is really cool. She is an awesome girl and I plutonically care a lot about her. To cite and example, she just got a boyfriend who is in Ms. Childers's third period and I'm going to make it a point to talk to him and make him aware that I'm here and watching him. Not that she needs anybody to watch out for her, she is just so beautiful that many guys become assholes to her and, well, be themselves--assholes I mean. I don't want to protect her, but I feel like her big brother and want to be sure that she is always happy. She deservest the best and should settle for nothing but, which is why I want her to have the best prom dress available. I guess this is different is. I've never cared about someone like this. I just want to know that she will be alright in the rest of her life. If that were guaranteed to be true then I will be happy. I thought I felt this way about Amy and my girlfriends from the past, but that was false. I just felt that way because I thought I was supposed to. I know I'm growing up and have been for some time but it seems like every day I age more and more. Like I figure myself out and become a better me. I don't know how to put don't know. Example? Okay. I realized today that I like no one. Everyone can piss me off and it seems as though "those couples who never fight" are either lying or numb to the world. I often feel numb and it sucks ass. Damn. I have to awake and be alert tomorrow morning for the eighth grader thing. We're singing Facade and, by my standards, it sucks. Poor diction, unclean notes, sloppy "choreography." We are so close to the show and I don't really give a damn. I know it will all be okay. Damn. Some people are pissing me off. Allusion to the previous statement. I hope life outside of Alabama is truly different, unlike how I hear. Is it high school or Alabama? I hate muckiness. Damn. I really like Brittany (from Decatur). We've known each other for years and have talked before, but it's tough being forty miles away and her always being grounded from everything and me working and me leaving for FSU in June. But I guess dating for two months would be better than not dating at all. Would it? Yes, it would. She needs to stop making D's and C's on her report cards so we can be together. I mean, I friggin drove to Decatur two days in a row mainly so I can see her and even blew off my friend Matt in the process (for which I feel really bad...sorry again Matt). She better come to my show. I don't care if no one else makes it, but Brittany. I don't know why. I guess I had a crush on her in middle school, but it's tough to tell. Muckiness. I was young and was in love with everyone. I know no one will read this all the way through, so why bother. Why bother with anything? Because I can. And I will continue to do it until I can't anymore. In which case I will stop. Duh. But, anyway, I must arise with a smile on my face on the morn'. Catch you all later.
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