Nov 06, 2006 09:21 you have cable? Digital Cable
2.would you choose 100 million dollars over true love? nope.
3.what do you live in? Brampton, Ontario, Canada
4. have you ever worn braces? Yep.
5. do you have any cavities? Probably
6. shower or bath? Shower. Perfect Way to start the day, and I'm told the steam helps your complexion.
7. have you ever broken a bone? Left elbow, snowboarding when I was 12.
8. spiderman or superman? Pfft, Spiderman obviously.
9. Britney spears or Christina aguilera? They have the collective IQ of my dog - neither
10. what's the last book you've read? Fully? I re-read Fury’s Hour by Warren Kinsella for the third time.
11. are you single or taken? Taken, happily.
12. do you blow dry your hair? Nah, towel dry for life!
13. what kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Fructis
14. gold or silver? Depends on the object, really.
15. have any piercings? Nope.
16. are your clothes mostly loose or tight fit? Loose
17. blue or black ink? Blue - it has more character.
18. regular ice or crushed ice? Regular.
19. what is/was your favorite subject in school? Right now I’m gonna say my intro to Modern Europe class.
20. what are you favorite board games? Board games? Not so much my thing - risk isn’t bad, but I’m terrible at it.
21. have you ever shot a gun? Paintball guns.
22. do you care what people think? I care about what me, my family, my Girlfriend, and my friends think, that’s it.
23. do you preffer public school or private? Public
24. what star sign are you? Aries
25. can you play a musical instrument? Guitar
26. what's the craziet thing you've ever done? Damn, I dunno. I’ll fill you in when I find something worthy of that title.
27. what's your biggest fear? Right now, it’s a toss up between losing someone close to me and losing my ability to skateboard.
28. do you have any special talents? I can skate, play guitar, and write essays all with a mediocre degree of talent.
29. what do you normally watch on tv? Not much, a skate comp if it’s on.
30.what brand do you wear most? Element Apparel, for sure
31. what is your normal friday night like? Right now, when Jill’s in Brantford than it’s spent skating with Brad, if Jill’s in Brampton, it’s spent with her.
32. bold or pastel colors? Bold, pastel’s boring
33. ever took ballet? Nope
34. do you like to dance? Does slam dancing count?
35. what kind of job would you like to have? The kind where I’m an eccentric old history prof.
36. do you like surprises? It depends on what they are.
37. what's the last thing you ate? I suppose a breakfast shake thing.
38. do you have an accent? I don’t think so, but I can mimic some pretty well.
39. fave 'romantic' movie? The Princess Bride, hehe.
40. fave 'action' movie? The Bruce Lee movies are always good.
41. fave 'scary' movie? The Exorcist
42. do you have any stuffed animals? I have a beanbag husky that Jill got me in Alaska.
43. do you have a boyfriend or girlfrind? Yeah, this Jill person you’ve heard so much about.
44. is your name on any bathroom walls? Nope, but my writing might be…..
45. ever picked up a hitchhiker? Nah, I’d rather not risk being chopped up, thanks.
46. what 's your biggest regret? No regrets, Just Lessons Learned
47. are you afraid of dying? Only before my time.
48. what's the longest you've stayed up? I dunno, over 24 hours, though.
49. ever done something illegal? SKATEBOARDING IS NOT A CRIME!
51. what's your least favorite color? Anything vomit-inducing.
52. do you watch the superbowl? Last superbowl I spent watching King Arthur.
53. do you consider yourself fat/skinny? I’m a scrawny little punk.
54. how much do you weigh? Around 135, tops.
55. when you get a pizza how many pieces do you eat? 2 or 3 on average.
56. do you know how to do laundry? yep.
57. do you know how to cook? Not gourmet, but I can get by.
58. have you ever gotten beat up? Only by the pavement.
59. indoors or outdoors? Outdoors, for sure.
60. do you smoke ciggarettes? Straight Edge and proud!
61. know people who belong to a gang? Puzzled’s kind of a gang, hahaha.
62. have you ever belonged to a gang? See the above answer.
63. can you rhyme well? Maybe when I’m in the mood to write up new lyrics.
64. when was the last time your parents spanked you? When I was tiny.
65. do you go to camp? Went to Muskoka Woods when I was 13 and 14, and over the summer I was a councilor at Skate Camp.
66. double dates or just the two of you? Alone time is nice, but the extra company is cool every now and then.
67. shorts or jeans? I hate wearing shorts.
68. ever been camping? No, alas…..
69. have you ever been in a talent show? Nah, I’m talentless, lol
70. one piece swimsuit or two piece? I don’t wanna know how swim trunks could be two-piece.
71. who would you say you look up to? A lot of people.
72. who would you like to see run for president? one of the following: Henry Rollins in ’08!!!
73. have you ever been in a fist fight? Only if mosh pits count.
74. who do you get along with the best? Jill, Brad, Anthea, Brooke, Justin, Ted, Tom, and probably my brother, Ryan.
75. who is you favorite friend? I couldn’t choose.
76. what's the last movie you watched? The West 49 flow DVD #1.
77. do you have any medical problems? I may be allergic to Demerol
78. what do you buy a lot of? I spend too much on food, but other than that, GO bus tickets.
79. do you like gossip? No, leave people alone.
80. would you call yourself independant or dependant? I think I’m a naturally independent person.
81. how tall are you? 5’ 8” or something.
82. what colour is your hair? dark Brown
83. favorite sport to do? Skateboarding is my lifeblood.
84. favorite sport to watch on tv? Skateboarding, y’know, the 3 weekends a year it’s on tv
85. are you looking for a boy friend? No, I’m taken………….and straight.
86. last four numbers of your phone number? 1337, hahaha (not really)
87. would you rather sleep in or watch early tv? Get up and go skating.
88. movies or shopping? Movies