i wish college was slightly more accessible for people

Jan 27, 2014 02:34

im looking thru the schedule of classes for some schools and im becoming irate. i switched to urgent care evening shift so that my mornings could free up. making it easier for me to take classes since generally most morning classes run for about one hour maybe 1 1/2.  well whats upsetting me is that at ELAC college, for example, has only 1 microbiology class and it starts at 12:30 and doesnt finish until 4. my shift doesnt start until 3:30 AND the school is in monterrey park, roughly 20-30 minutes away from work depending on the traffic. i wouldnt make it to work on time which is more important. now the same classes at the community colleges here in the valley start at a reasonable time, like 7 or 8 am and finish around noon.......... only problem is that you need to take biology 3 and english 101 and chemistry blah and math blah as pre requisites and im  like wtf?!!! i know i shouldnt complain but this shit is injustice if i ever saw it!! in order for me to qualify for the countys workforce nursing program, i need to finish microbiology/physiology/anatomy within five years but when the classes have pre reqs *FOR* the pre reqs of their own , How do they expect me (and others like me) to accomplish our classes in the time frame? i have to devote my 8 hours to work plus i need a good hour or so BEFORE my shift starts to ensure i wont hit traffic to work. its not fair. and im not even going to consider going to another private college again for vocational nursing(that was my first choice since it knocks out most of the pre requisites) however, to bridge the gap from LVN to registered nursing would mean i would have to find a school where they have a program like that and once i complete that, it wouldnt count as being a full blown registered nurse, it would be more like a certificate rather than diploma. im not asking for things to be made 100% easy. its college. its life. i know its gonna be a bumpy rode. but god damn cant they eliminate the small little obstacles? i wouldnt mind tackling the heavier classes at all but when i have to take pre requisites its gonna to take me longer and ruin my chance at meeting the deadline for enrolling in that program


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