Apr 14, 2008 10:41
I rarely dream.. but last night I had a bad one...
It was like a campus.. maybe a college campus..or an amusment park.. there were buildings...a boat ride thingy... lots of trees but also lots of open space... and a monster was attacking for some reason...
It was a skeleton dinosaur type monster.. about 6 meters tall.. it had a weird circle mouth with jagged sharp saw features at the end of it..
everyone was running looking for places to hide... and the dumbest of hiding places.. like 4-6 people would be hiding behind a tree that was bascially a twig with a big ball at the top... no way anything could have not seen all those people hiding there...
I remember people being chased from the boat ride thing and having to double back through the que to get to open spaces... all the time people screaming and just pandamonium...
I remember at one point going "i'm not going to hide behind the tree with those idiots.. I'm gonna go hide in this bathroom.... that had an entire wall for an opening but still only one way in... i figured noones going to see me hiding in there or smell me over the bathroom..
but no.. the monster heads straight for me in the bathroom rather than the 4-6 idiots behind the tree in plain sight.. and the countless people running like madmen... wtf... It shrieks at me like it's going to attack and I wake up...
My co-worker asked me if i watched any harry potter recently.. or anything scary.. I said no just been watching nawty anime lately...but then she told me well you did see cloverfield recently.. so maaaaaybe... but still.. anyone with dream interpretation skills is welcome to take a stab at it.. you can give your opnion and i'll see if it fits with whats going on in my life recently.